
Our mission is to be the leading Nepali agency providing world leading services in Environmental Monitoring Surveillance (aquatic and terrestrial), Impact Assessments, Science-Based Mitigation Solutions and Critical Habitat Assessments.

Our focus is on ensuring stringent adherence to international environmental standards, key scientific methods and national or international regulatory environments with the goal to implement robust ecological safeguards throughout a project lifecycle, delivering the highest standard of environmental conservation and sustainability solutions for our clients.


Dynamic aquatic monitoring and surveillance

Dynamic aquatic monitoring and surveillance

Impact Assessment

We offer in-depth fish surveys for improved baselines, Environment Impact Assessments and Science Based Mitigation Solutions.

Impact Assessment

We offer in-depth fish surveys for improved baselines, Environment Impact Assessments and Science Based Mitigation Solutions.

Electric-attraction Fishing

At Biome, we offer the latest and greatest in Electric-attraction fishing with our Smith Root Apex and Internationally Certified Team of Electric Attraction-Fishing Experts.

Electric-attraction Fishing

At Biome, we offer the latest and greatest in Electric-attraction fishing with our Smith Root Apex and Internationally Certified Team of Electric-Attraction Fishing Experts.

Critical Habitat Assessment

Our Expert International Associates and National Team are the global lead scientists of species concerned with Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA).

Critical Habitat Assessment

Our Expert International Associates and National Team are the global lead scientists of species concerned with Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA).


I had an excellent experience working with Adarsh Man Sherchan and his colleagues while I was a biodiversity consultant for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank from 2017-2021. Adarsh provided expert services for organizing and implementing several key field surveys in Nepal to serve as ESIA baselines and monitoring. He has solid knowledge of the equipment, personnel, permits and logistics required to collect quality field biodiversity data. Adarsh is an innovative thinker and has been on the cutting edge of field research in Nepal. While working with the Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal (CMDN), Adarsh was instrumental in introducing Environmental DNA (eDNA) studies in Nepal and integrating the technique into ESIA surveys. Their work in the Karnali River and the Trishuli River established eDNA baselines for fish and invertebrates. Adarsh collaborates with expert scientists throughout Nepal to provide high quality biodiversity data. Adarsh and his team contributed significantly to the development of the Trishuli Assessment Tool, which the IFC supported as a standardized methodology for aquatic biodiversity surveys. Due to their impressive work, they were hired by the Upper Trishuli-1 HPP to conduct long term monitoring using this Tool. I highly recommend Adarsh and the Biome and Ecosystems Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd for any biodiversity related research, especially related to hydropower development in Nepal.

Leeanne E. Alonso
PhD in Organismal and Evolutionary Biology (Harvard University 1994), Biodiversity Consultant to the IFC (2011-2022), Director of the Rapid Assessment Program (RAP), Conservation International (1998-2011), Conservation Associate at Re:wild (2015-present), Founding Member of the Women in Nature Network (WiNN) (2013-present)

Biome and Ecosystem Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd [Biome] is associated with NWEDC as a National Aquatic Ecology Consultants for the Upper Trishuli-1 HEP since 2022, with Mr. Sherchan involved in Trishuli aquatic biodiversity work since 2018. Their comprehensive expertise in aquatic ecology and commitment to environmental conservation have been instrumental in our conservation efforts. The excellent team at Biome have conducted thorough assessments of the Trishuli river ecosystems with innovative approaches in biodiversity monitoring and habitat restoration that continue to guide and strengthen our ESG compliances. Biome partnership has been instrumental, and we highly recommend Biome to any organization dedicated to requiring trained aquatic ecology expertise, particularly those in the hydropower sector.

Mr. Dipesh Bista
Senior Environment Manager, Nepal Water and Energy Development Company

Biome and Ecosystem Solutions are highly knowledgeable professionals in their field. It was a privilege to work with them on the snow leopard genetic research project in Humla, and I am incredibly pleased with our achievements. Their participation was indispensable from the outset, providing invaluable support in project planning and thorough training for the field team in sample collection, storage, and quality control. They also extended their expertise to train laboratory staff, ensure quality assurance, develop protocols, and procure necessary reagents and primers. Their professionalism and timely responses to our requests for expert guidance were greatly valued.

Their exceptional service facilitated a smooth and successful project. Despite my limited expertise, their proficiency ensured the project’s success and fostered a unique collaboration among our team, TU Biotech, and themselves. Such collaborative models are uncommon in Nepal, particularly with public universities, and I am sincerely grateful for their contributions.

I wholeheartedly endorse Biome and Ecosystem Solutions for their exceptional expertise, significant contributions to scientific research, and unwavering dedication to excellence. I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration in the future.

Mr. Rinzin Phunjok Lama
Founder-Project Ukali, 2021 Rolex Awards and 2024 Future for Nature Laureate

Clients, Partners & Collaborators

Biome and Ecosystem Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd and its key consultants have been trusted by some of Nepal’s key development sector, private, public sector and INGO/NGO and Government sector partners.