Environmental excellence through hard sciences

Biome focuses and specializes on industry-specific client catered Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) solutions for our clients, in particulary catered to the hydropower development sector.


  • Hydropower and Aquatic Ecology
  • Critical Habitat Assessment/Impact Assessment
  • Mitigation Solutions/Dam Efficacy/E-flow Determination
  • Molecular and Conservation Genetics
  • Desk Review and Desk work
  • Public Health and Wastewater

Hydropower and Aquatic Ecology Services

  • Aquatic Ecology, fish, macroinvertebrate monitoring Surveillances
  • Critical Habitat Assessment/Impact Assessment
  • Science based environmental Mitigation Solutions
  • FIsh Dam Efficacy Monitoring and Desgin/Input to Fish Ladder Design
  • Migratory Corridors/Fish Migration research
  • Determining sustainable E-Flows

Electric-attraction fishing, Pit Tagging, Biotelemetry, Radiotelemetry

We offer the latest and greatest in Electric-Fishing Services with our Smith Root APEX backpack timed electrofisher, the latest and greatest in electric fishing technology in the world. Moreover, we have a Certified and trained team of electrofishers who understand the technical details of electric fishing. We provide high-end biotelemetry services and technologies such as pit-tagging and radiotelemetry to study and understand aquatic migratory behaviour, cutting-edge sciences to serve decision making in keystone species research in rivers.

Critical Habitat Assessment

At Biome or Critical Habitat Assessment (CHA) efforts identify and evaluate areas essential for the survival of endangered or threatened species.
Biome has world leading experts and expertise in Critical Habitat Assessments.
Our Associates are global lead authorities on Golden Mahaseer (Tor putitora) conservation.

Impact Assessment

Designing and implementing habitat restoration projects to improve degraded aquatic habitats, restore native vegetation, enhance fish habitats, and promote overall ecosystem resilience.

Science based Mitigation Solutions

Science-based aquatic mitigation solutions involve using research and data to develop strategies that reduce impacts on aquatic ecosystems. These solutions include habitat restoration, pollution control, sustainable water management, and the protection of biodiversity. They aim to balance ecological health with human activities, ensuring long-term sustainability.

Water Quality Monitoring

Monitoring and analyzing various water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrient levels, pollutants, and sedimentation to assess the environmental status of aquatic habitats.

Regulatory Compliance

Assisting with regulatory compliance related to aquatic ecology, including permits, environmental regulations, and compliance monitoring for water resource management projects.

Biodiversity Conservation and Social Surveys

Developing and executing plans to conserve biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems, which may involve managing protected areas, implementing species conservation programs, and promoting habitat connectivity.

Desk Review and Desk Work

At Biome, we have expertise in a host of Desk Review and Desk Work services

  • Specialized cohort of International Academic Associates and National Experts on chosen fields of expertise.
  • World Leading Expertise and Global Authorities on Aquatic Ecology, in particular to Golden Mahaseer Conservation.
  • Access to Global Literature/International Academic Journals that we can bring expertise to our projects

Forensic Consultation (Molecular)

Biome provides case-specific consultation services in forensic case requirements, specializing in DNA profiling for criminal investigations and human remains identification. Our expertise encompasses forensic genetics techniques such as STR analysis and mixed DNA interpretation, tailored to your unique requirements. We work closely with regulators, law makers and federal agencies to resolve cases that require our expertise

Strategic Planning and Environmental Permit Regulations

Biome delivers comprehensive planning and permitting services, guiding clients through intricate regulatory processes at federal, state, provincial, regional, and local levels to conduct Environmental compliances for related development projects.

Wildlife Genetics/Conservation Genetics

We offer comprehensive guidance on all aspects of DNA analysis in Wildlife, Disease and Conservation studies, including sample collection, extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing, and DNA profile analysis of wildlife populations to understand diversity, evolution and conservation requirements. Our manual/handbook format offers detailed insights into methodologies utilizing advanced DNA techniques offering clarity into species and sex identification, population genetics, quality control measures, and result interpretation.

Public Health Research (Wastewater / Zoonotic Disease / AMR)

Biome focuses on avenues and areas such as disease zoonosis, wastewater and AMR as areas of top priority focus for public health safety in the coming years.